Minimum learning Package PHYSICS (Class XI)

1.Physical World and Measurement: SI units, errors in measurement, Dimensions of physical quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications

2.   Kinematics: Position-time graph, Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time, position-time graphs, Resolution of a vector in a plane rectangular components. Scalar and Vector product of vectors. Motion in a plane, projectile and circular motion

3.  Laws of Motion: Newton’s first law of motion; momentum and Newton’s second law of motion; impulse, Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, examples of circular motion (vehicle on level circular road, vehicle on banked road).

4.    Work energy and power: work-energy theorem, potential energy of a spring, motion in a vertical circle; elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions.

5.    Motion of system of particles & rigid body: Centre of mass of a rigid body, Conservation of Angular Momentum

6.    Gravitation:Kepler’s laws of Planetary motion, Acceleration due to gravity. & its variation, escape velocity, orbital velocity of a satellite

7.    Properties of bulk matter: Hooke’s law, poisson's ratio, elastic energy, Pascal’s law, Stokes’ law, terminal velocity, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications, angle of contact, excess of pressure, capillary rise, thermal conductivity

8.    Thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics. Isothermal and adiabatic processes

9.    Kinetic theory of gases: work done in compressing a gas, degrees of freedom, law of equipartition of energy (statement only) Kinetic theory of gases - assumptions, concept of pressure

10.  Oscillation & waves: energy in S.H.M. Kinetic and potential energies; simple pendulum–derivation of expression for its time period, Displacement relation for a progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves, standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode and harmonics